St. Anthony Church Siolim

Bhagevont Anton, / tujia nanvan ani tujȇ vinnovnnen / Devan kelolim vizmitam aikun, / vhodda bhorvanxean / hanv-ui tujia fuddem yetam /ani tuji doyall nodor / mhojer ghal mhonn / khalteponnim magtam.
Noman tuka, Bhagevont Anton, / nirmollkayechia lili-fula, / noman tuka zannvayechia sagora / noman tuka priti-mogan pettlolia Xubhvortomanachia dhormduta / kor mhojem jivit nitoll-nirmoll, / bhor mhojem mon zannvayen, / pettoi mhojem kalliz priti-mogan, / ani sorv-bhonvtim mhojia kornneamnim Devachem Utor porgottunk mhaka xikoi. /
Eh! Devachia ixtta, / hanv patki ani guneanvkari mhonn / tujȇ hujir ollkhun ghetam / ani mhojem khontibhorit kalliz / tuka ugttem kortam, / ani tujȇ vengent ailolo toch Ballok Jezu, / tujȇ vinnovnnen /mhaka bhogsonnem ditolo / ani goroz team / kuddi atmeacheam denneamnim mhaka bhortolo mhonn as ballgitam / ani bhorvanxean ravtam.
Bhagevont Anton, / dukhestanchea buzvonnara, / tuji doyall nodor mhojer ghal / ani mhojem dolldirponn ani upodre, / mhoje huske ani khonti, / mhojio bhiranti ani akant polle. / Tuje vengent aslolia Ballka Jezuk / mhojio gorzo ugttio kor, / mhojia huskea-khontintlo mhaka nivar,/ ani hea vellar Tuje fuddem ghaltam to upkar mhaka melloun ghe.
Ochorianchia Bhagevont Anton, / tuka ulo martoleank / tum nam mhonnonai / punn tankam sodanch pavunk tum raji asai. / Tor tujȇ podvedar mozotin / ek khaltikayechem Kristi jivit jieunk / melloun ghe mhaka / nirmollai ani konnvallai, / thonddai ani xantitai, / lhanvikai ani sosnnikai, / ghottai ani zannvai. / Amcheam dhormik fuddareank rakh ani sambhall / tujȇ vinotin Jezu sarkele bore gonvlli te zaunk nirmi / ani tanchea hatant ghatlolia hinddak / sotachia ani uzvaddachia margar cholounk / tanche khatir tum thambonastana vinonti kor / – Amen.

Oh Blessed Anthony,/ kind and gentle Saint,/ your ardent love for God,/ your exalted virtuous life / and your immense charity towards your brothers and sisters,/ made you worthy to possess miraculous powers /which were given to no other Saint./ Your single word was enough / to perform any desired miracle./ The anxious pleading of any bitter trial /was never addressed to you in vain./ To the sick you bestowed the gift of convalescence,/ to those who begged you to make them find their lost articles,/ you restored them back,/ to those suffering and sorrow stricken/ you showed your tender compassion / and those who were pronounced as dead / you gave them a lease of new life.
Encouraged by this thought,/ convinced of the efficacy of your powerful intercession / and filled with confidence,/ I implore of you to obtain for me / this special favour that I now ask for.....(please place your request here)
O Blessed Anthony,/ you, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, / whisper this prayer of mine into the ear of Infant Jesus / who loved to linger in your arms./ Constantly intercede for me / and for my dear and near ones / that we may all be worthy followers of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master. Amen.